11 Ways To Make A Guy Like You Over Text

Do you have a crush on someone, but it seems they just don’t notice you? Do you want to get someone’s attention without coming on too strong? You can make him like you over text by following these ten simple steps.

Texting is the perfect way to connect with your crush from the comfort of your own home while keeping things casual and fun. From knowing how to initiate the conversation or how often to send messages, this guide has all the tips and tricks for making sure he won’t be able to resist giving you his attention!

Ways To Make A Guy Like You Over Text

1. The First Message

Starting a conversation with a guy via text can be daunting, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. A surefire way to open the lines of communication is to ask him about his work or studies.

Depending on your relationship, ask for his opinion on a relevant topic. If you’re in the same field, inquire about new industry trends. If you’re both students, inquire about a related subject.

Ultimately, the key is to establish a connection and keep the conversation going. So it is better to start with something you are both interested in. Since you might not know him that well at this point, the easy way is to stick with topics related to studies or work.

2. Three-Day Message Rule

Ways To Make A Guy Like You Over Text

When you text someone three days straight in a row at the same time. They’ll kinda expect your message on the third day. And if you don’t message on the third day they’ll wonder what’s going on and might text you first.

This is something you can try with the guy you like. On the first day, you talk about studies or work, on the second day you discuss more it, and you can share some more thoughts you had about the things you discussed yesterday. On the third day, you can start with the same topic and then shift to a more casual-style conversation.

With this, it is highly probable that he’ll expect your text on the fourth day at around the same time. If he doesn’t text on the fourth day, don’t worry, you don’t have to text him first. If he enjoyed talking with you, he will text you sometime in the coming few days.

3. First Compliment

Everyone loves compliments. And even more so when the compliment comes from an opposite-sex person who’s similar in age.

So believe us when we say, men love to hear compliments as much as women. So next time, after you meet him, come back home take your phone and text him how good he looked in that outfit. This will definitely put a smile on his face. And next time, he’ll try even harder to impress you with his outfits.

4. Keep Him Hanging

If you are finding it difficult to initiate conversations with him over text each day, one trick you can use is to keep him hanging when you end the conversation.

After texting for a while, you can just ghost him for the day, don’t reply to his last text. Instead, wait till the next day and give him the reply. Tell him you’re sorry because you felt so tired or make some excuse for it. Now you can carry on the conversation from where you left off the previous day.

And since you are probably sending the response in the morning, you can simply ask him about his plans for the day. This will further increase your “textationship” and will open the door for conversations later part of the day.

But be sure to read the cues, if he’s not much interested in the conversation just let him be. You’ll understand how excited he’s to text you based on his replies, how much he asks about your life etc. If he seems not that interested don’t be clingy. It will only turn him away further.

5. Ask for Company

After texting him for a few weeks, now it’s time to take things to the next level. If you guys enjoy each other’s company online, then you’ll definitely enjoy spending time together in real life.

The next time you are going to an event or maybe even to a movie, you can ask him whether he’s interested to accompany you.

Just go with something like: “Hey, I really want to go for [movie name]… None of my friends are free on the weekend. If you are free would you like to come with me…?”

Keep it simple and straightforward. If he accepts your request, great you’ve moved up in your friendship with him.

6. Ask Him Outfit Opinions

Ways To Make A Guy Like You Over Text

Asking guys about their opinion about the clothes you wear is a big thing for them. So next time when there’s a special event which you both will be attending, ask him about what he thinks you should wear.

You can start this discussion with something simple like, “I have no clue what I’d wear for the event…” He might offer you suggestions, or you can ask him what he thinks looks best on you.

You can even share photos of you in different outfits and ask him to choose what he likes the best. Men love it when women take time and dress up in the outfits they chose. And it is quite possible that he’ll shower you with compliments after you show up in the outfit he chose for you.

7. Use a Lot of Emojis

Emojis make conversation casual and personal. Make sure you use emojis often. Use emojis featuring heart signs often.

This will make him feel close to you and make him trust you even more. It has been proven that emojis play a big part in how we define our relationship with the one we’re texting. So when you are using more casual and intimate emojis he’ll naturally feel more close to you and trust you more.

8. Show Him That You Care About Him

Guys love it when a girl shows them more care and attention. So next time when he’s out traveling somewhere. Ask him to text him when he reaches the destination safely. This simple gesture will mean a lot to him.

Most times, guys don’t get asked things like that. So when you show genuine care and affection for his safety and well-being. He’ll find it very attractive.

9. Start Silly Fights

Ways To Make A Guy Like You Over Text

Silly fights are the cornerstone of any relationship. The moment you guys get comfortable with silly fights, it means you guys are already into each other on some level.

You can start a silly fight for just about anything. But make sure it is SILLY, don’t start a fight for something his political or religious ideas.

You can mix up the ideas we’ve already shared here. Let’s borrow the idea we shared in the previous point, imagine he’s traveling somewhere and he wouldn’t text you once he reached the destination. You can start a fight on that… It’s silly, it shows affection and care, and he’ll enjoy it and try to fix it.

10. Flirt

It’s totally fine flirting with single guys or girls, no matter what your relationship is. If you are single, you can flirt with your single guy friend from time to time. It’s fun, it’s harmless and it helps to build chemistry if you guys want to take it further.

So if you feel you are close enough with the guy you are texting and if sometimes you are both in the mood to flirt, just go with it. You’ll know when he wants to have some excitement over text. Just don’t think too much and just go for it.

11. Tell You Like Him

After a few weeks or maybe months, if you want to take things slow, it’s time, to be honest about the fact that you have feelings for him. And the thing is, he would have probably guessed it already. So it wouldn’t be a total surprise for him.

How open and straightforward you should do it depends on the chemistry between you guys. You can ask for a date or you can talk about this over the text itself (we recommend the former).

If things go well he’ll accept your request and you can build your relationship from there. If doesn’t feel the same way and is not interested to take your relationship to a romantic level. That’s fine too… take it easy, tell him you enjoyed the friendship. From there, you should decide how to take this further. If you think keeping contact with him might strengthen your feelings for him, then it is better to tell him that and keep the communication low. If you are fine with pursuing the friendship then you can go along that path.

We hope you find this guide on how to text a guy you like helpful. Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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