How to Confess to Your Crush Over Text

Do you have a crush on someone but are too scared to tell them? The feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you’re around them, or the pleasure of their attention – these can all be signs that someone is more than just a friend to you. However, expressing this can be difficult and uncomfortable if there isn’t an obvious opportunity to do so.

That’s why confessing over text might be the right move for you! In this blog post, we will explore how best to confess your feelings via text message so that it comes across as positive rather than overwhelming or intimidating. Ready? Let’s dive in!

Preparing to Confess

Assessing Your Feelings

The first step is to truly understand your feelings. Ask to you the following things:

  • How do you feel about the person whom you think you have a crush on.
  • Why do you think you have crush on this person. What makes them different?
  • Do you really think you can have a happy relationship with this person? Does your values align with theirs.
  • What it means if they reject you?

When you ask such questions to yourself you’ll understand whether the person is suitable for you or is it worth taking this crush to the next level or whether it is better to let it fade away.

Assessing Your Crush’s Feelings

How to Confess to Your Crush Over Text

It’s also important to assess the feelings of your crush based on what you already know about them and your relationship with them.

Chances are you’ll have a fair idea on how they’ll take your message & how they might respond. When you assess their feelings, you can phrase your messages better so that you won’t pressure them in to committing to anything.

It will also help you realise how both of you would want to continue your relationship moving forward if in case your crush doesn’t feel the same way about you as you feel about them.

Choosing the Right Time

It’s important that you choose a time which is perfect for both of you. If youknow your crush doesn’t have any serious plans in the coming weekend, it will be better to wait until then to hit your send button.

If they are themselves in the middle of something very important, they might already be feeling overwhelmed and frustrated and your message might be too much for them to handle at that time. It’s better to time your message on a calm Sunday evening or may be even morning so that they’ll see your message first thing after they wake up.

Crafting Your Message

Keeping It Simple and Direct

Don’t try to impress your crush with flowery language or long, complicated paragraphs. Keep your message simple and to the point. You don’t want to overwhelm them with too much information, and you also want to make sure your message is clear and easy to understand.

Start with a short greeting and just confess how you feel about them directly.

Being Honest and Vulnerable

How to Confess to Your Crush Over Text

When you’re confessing your feelings, it’s important to be sincere and straightforward. Start by telling your crush how much you enjoy spending time with them, and that you’ve been wanting to tell them something for a while. Follow up by stating your true feelings. Let them know how special they are to you and how you feel when you’re around them.

Keep your message short. Don’t send him/her long texts with all your emotions and feelings. It will be overwhelming for him.

Avoiding Pressure or Expectations

Make sure to craft your message in such a way that he or she will not feel pressured to accept you. You guys would already be friends on some level at this point and your crush wouldn’t want to ruin it.

Take extra care to make sure that your messages won’t assume what they feel. Avoid phrases & questions like the following:

  • “I believe you also feel the same way…”
  • “Did you ever have a crush on me?”
  • “If we end up together, I promise I will…”

Remember, your aim is to just let them know about your feelings and you’re prepared for whatever their response will be. So don’t put in phrases and questions which will pressure them to answer positively to your message or make them feel you expect them to be in your future.

Sending the Text

Waiting for a Response

How to Confess to Your Crush Over Text

Once you hit the send button. Don’t spend your time rereading the message & thinking about how you could have phrased it better. Instead, leave your phone & go for a walk, spend time with your pet, or just go grab a coffee. Be relaxed and enjoy a few minutes yourself.

You’ll feel a lot better and more confident when you do so. Your mind will essentially tell you no matter what response you get, you’ll be fine. After an hour or so, with a fresh, clear, and relaxed mind, you can check your phone for their response.

Respect Their Response

No matter how they respond, it’s vitally important to respect their feelings and their choice. Let them have space to make a decision that is comfortable for them. If, in the end, they feel the same way, then that’s wonderful! If not, try not to press forward or create an atmosphere of guilt on either side. This isn’t about getting your own way, it’s about which outcome works best for both of you.

We hope you liked our tips on how to confess to your crush over text. And we wish you all the best.

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