20 Things Men Do if He’s Madly in Love With You

Whoever said that men cannot express their emotions properly was probably never loved enough in the first place.

Because hear me out, when a man loves truly, he sets himself on a mission to unleash torrents of emotions that’ll make your heart do special somersaults.

You’d be surprised by the depth of his love and vulnerability.

Can Men Really Be Madly in Love?

Yes, men can definitely fall madly in love just like women can.

Love is a complex emotion that transcends gender and is not limited to one specific group. As much as society may try to stereotype men as unemotional or not as expressive about their feelings as women are, the truth is that men are just as capable of experiencing intense love as anyone else.

In fact, when men do fall deeply in love, they may exhibit some of the most profound expressions of affection and devotion.

Things Men Do if He’s Madly in Love With You

1. You’ll Be the Priority

Things Men Do if He’s Madly in Love With You

He won’t just stop prioritizing you or putting all your happiness, wants, needs, and wishes in front of him to fulfill. Even if it means pushing him behind a little bit.

He’ll do it for you and for the love he feels so fiercely for you. Imagine the kind of things that love can make him do! Aww much….

2. He’ll Hear You Out

You don’t even need to tell him anything for him to figure out what’s on your mind. Too good to be true? But trust me, those that aim to love you limitlessly can oddly hear your heart from miles away and understand everything that you intend to say.

They can even pick up on the words that may have probably been left unspoken and know just how well to respond…

3. He Gives You Time

The one who claims to love you can only give you the time that you both agree upon, but somebody who loves you beyond can give you time against his clock.

He wouldn’t even want to spend time away from you if that’s what it takes to have you close. Strange, but sweet.

4. He’ll Be Your #1 Fan

Do you need cheering? Find a lover that loves you head over heels and come back to check your progress. Those that love selflessly usually give you their all to see you succeed. They are the kind of men that make you stand on a pedestal just to see you shine or stand afar to see you stand tall and through it all cheer you on. Love like this makes loving the best kind of feeling…

5. Your Interests Interest Him

Things Men Do if He’s Madly in Love With You

So what if you’re into poetry and he’ll into his PlayStation? If your man loves you over and above, he’ll put his PlayStation aside to hear you narrate your favorite line. He’ll even print you a copy and have it framed by your bookshelf as if you’ve outdone the noblest writers of all time. He’ll value what you value the most and that for sure is a treasure in a man.

6. He’ll Respect Your Boundaries

Not in the mood? It’s perfectly fine for a man who is sure in his relationship and wants what really matters from his lover: her trust. You can always win her over, but keeping her heart is the hard part.

But for a man to wait for your consent, to not push your boundaries and hold it until the time is right is the kind of relationship we all need.

7. Makes Honest Efforts to Communicate

It’s easy to pull the plug on something but preserving the memory, retaining the emotions, and putting sincere efforts into trying to make it work are the surest signs of a man who loves you way beyond to let you go over an argument that he’ll regret the next minute. He can fight over it a little, but he’ll fight his ego than let you go.

8. Surprises Should Be No Surprise

We get it, you’re pampered beyond the likes of the pretty little princess, but that’s just what you get to have somebody who loves you madly, truly, and deeply. Sigh! Imagine finding someone who goes out of his way to surprise his love, just to see her smile eye to eye…

9. He’s Not Shy to Show You Off

You’ve probably been with him for ages, but his family and friends are no strangers to you. The guy that gives his woman the moon and the stars will always share space in his sky. That kind of love needs no backing, it’s a sure winner.

10. Your Safety Is His Priority

Things Men Do if He’s Madly in Love With You

So what if you’re a grown woman who knows her way through the world? To a man who has his world set to revolve around you, your protection and safety mean everything to him. Even if it means asking you to drop a text when you’ve left and reached or stay away from trouble until he’s there. You shouldn’t feel nagged, you’re lucky, girl.

11. Your Opinions Matter

For a guy who can talk you out of ordering that meal from taco bell just so he can get you both to share a Mac meal is a sure keeper. But if he waits to have your input on the bigger aspects of life then he’s a keeper that you just cannot afford to lose.

12. Pdas Come Pretty Naturally

I know, the kind of couple that kiss just because can really gross most people out. But if your man holds you like a second skin, he may just not be able to get his hands off you. But strangely for a guy to truly hold you without the need to look relevant will always make you feel captivated than just like a mere conquest.

13. He’s Verbal About His Feelings

Be it verbal affirmations, a compliment, or just random praise, you’ll know there will always be the nicest things he has to say to you when you’re around a guy that cannot contain just how much you affect him, affection-wise!

14. You’re Free to Dream and Do It

If he loves you enough he will watch you go do the kinds of things you’re heart is set at and not step in your way. Even if it means stepping aside. He’ll love you enough to let you turn from dreamer to achiever without having to make compromises for the sake of love.

15. He’ll Empathize With You

Having a bad day? He’ll know and besides knowing, he’ll make honest efforts to put that smile back on you. Your feelings fit into the finest crevices of his heart and anything that feels fragile to you feels the same for him too. If he ain’t a gentleman, I don’t know who is.

16. He’ll Wave the White Flag First

Want to call a truce and keep the differences aside? Find a man that has fallen over his head for you and pick a fight with him. He’ll settle the issue before it’s even started or have it sorted before it breaks through the roof. If he loves you the way he claims to, he won’t leave you hanging aloof. 

17. Good With Dates and Anniversaries

Things Men Do if He’s Madly in Love With You

The kind of guy that keeps tabs on dates that hold special significance in your life is usually the kind of guy that most people find geeky. But trust me there’s nothing more gorgeous than seeing a guy remember the days that most other lover boys would otherwise forget. He’s a gem right there.

18. You Are Part of His Future Plan

You’re not just a part of his future, you make the most pivotal part of it. It’s pretty cliche to see a guy vowing to stay with his lover for life but when a guy puts you in the center of his future, you know he’s got you just like you should know that you’ve gotten really lucky.

19. He Defends You

You may not need to be defended but he’ll do it anyway. Not because you need someone to take your stand but because he enjoys showering you with care, just as much as it comes second-hand to him. 

20. He’ll Show Up For You

He needs no reason to show up other than the fact that he loves you to bits. It’ll break him to miss something that’ll mean something to you and even if it takes everything he has to keep showing up, he’ll do it wholeheartedly. For in loving, he needs no reason to rationalize his emotions for you. 

But What Does It Mean to Be Madly Invested in Love?

For a man to be fully invested in you, there’s just nothing holding him back. Beyond the forces of nature or gravity’s pull, he’ll love you enough to defy them all. Said too much? Didn’t think so when men of our time set such surreal examples for us to swoon on.

It really is possible for a man to be madly in love and when he is you’ll see it in his eyes. When he stays emotionally and mentally hooked to you and stays fiercely loyal, through the highs and lows or the thick or thin. You’d be lucky to have found a man that doesn’t count his sacrifices to stay by you, or the fears he would fight to build dreams with you. If you find him, keep him. 

Do you know what can crush the spirits of a man who stays that much in love without zero expectations? Your lack of acceptance. 

Ouch. But as stinging as that may sound, there have been men that faced rejection to their face when they flaunted their love for the world to see. Want examples? How about three?

From a poet like Dante to a musician like Beethoven and even to a king like Edward the 8th, no man was spared in their quest to kindle the kind of love they gave to their beloved. But love never ended at that. They still loved them till their last ounce of life and to this day their tale lives. 

If you are with a man that looks out for your lover like no other and still feels like you haven’t done enough, then just know that it’s not your fault for being hopeless romantic that you are. Your love needs a special room to contain and keep. It isn’t for everybody to feel and when your stars align, you’ll find somebody that sees you for the love you give and gives it back a thousand folds. 

So let them call you out for being madly in love or just making the biggest room for the other half of your heart. If you didn’t have it this way, you’d probably not have it any other way. 

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